The Spendthrift & the Swallow

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Aesop's Fables - 14. The Spendthrift & the Swallow

- The Aesop's fables dramatic structures -

This page is part of a computational narratology project


Text available here


The Spendthrift & the Swallow

Dramatic Cycles

In S1:

  • ((comesBack,makeNest,swallow),(comesBack,sharpFrost1,beAlive,swallow))

The swallow comes back to make nest, but by doing so, she dies because of the frost.

In S2:

  • ((sellCoat,fetchMoney,spendthrift),(sellCoat,sharpFrost2,beAlive2))

Selling the coat enabled the spendthrift to fetch money but it may also kill him.


The inference made by the spendthrift from the first situation to the second one has not be modelled.