The Peacock & the Crane

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Aesop's Fables - 12. The Peacock & the Crane

- The Aesop's fables dramatic structures -

This page is part of a computational narratology project


Text available here


The Peacock & the Crane

Dramatic Cycles

  • ((tauntDullness,peacockSeenAsSuperior,peacock,animals),(tauntDullness,craneOffended,craneSeenAsSuperior,crane,animals))

When the peacock taunts the crane, he satisfies his goal of superiority but it unsatisfies the same goal for the crane.

  • ((compareFlying,craneSeenAsSuperior,crane,animals),(compareFlying,peacockOffended,peacockSeenAsSuperior,peacock,animals))

And reciprocally.
