The Lion & the Mouse

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Aesop's Fables - 19. The Lion & the Mouse

- The Aesop's fables dramatic structures -

This page is part of a computational narratology project


Text available here


The Lion & the Mouse

Dramatic Cycles

  • ((runOverFace,unknown,mouse,animals),(runOverFace,wakedUp,asleep,lion,animals)

Running over the lion is good for the mouse but bad or the lion.

  • ((moouseKilled,mouseDead,runOverFace,wakedUp,asleep,lion,animals),(moouseKilled,mouse,animals))

Killing the mouse prevents the later to run over the Lion's face, which is good for him, but this is bad for the mouse.

  • ((mouseKilled,mouseDead,runOverFace,wakedUp,asleep,lion),(mouseKilled,notHelpful,repay/gnow,laterLionProblemSolved/freeLion,lion))

If the mouse is killed, it is good for the lion, but it prevents the mouse to repay him later.
