The Fox & the Crow

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Aesop's Fables - 9. The Fox & the Crow

- The Aesop's fables dramatic structures -

This page is part of a computational narratology project


Text available here


The Fox & the Crow

Dramatic Cycles

  • ((foxTakeCheese,foxHasCheese,fox,animals),((foxTakeCheese,crowHasCheese,crow,animals))

If the fox takes the cheese, he is satisfied, not the crow.

  • ((crowTakeCheese,crowHasCheese,crow,animals),((crowTakeCheese,foxHasCheese,fox,animals))

And reciprocally, if the crow takes the cheese, he is satisfied, not the fox.

  • ((sing,beAdmired,crow),(sing,cheeseFalls,crowHasCheese,crow))

Singing enables the crow to be admired (in his eyes) but also leads to loosing the cheese.


The process of influence is not in the structure itself.