Mercury & the Woodman

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Aesop's Fables - 17. Mercury & the Woodman

- The Aesop's fables dramatic structures -

This page is part of a computational narratology project


Text available here


Mercury & the Woodman

Dramatic Cycles

  • ((acceptOwnAxe,haveAxe,woodman),(acceptOwnAxe,choiceMade2,areadyAccepted1,acceptExpensiveAxe,beRich,woodman))

If the woodman accepts his own axe, he gets, but it prevents him from getting the expensive axe and being rich.

  • ((acceptExpensiveAxe,beRich),(acceptExpensiveAxe,disgusted,beRich))

If the woodman accepts the expensive axe, he may be rich but he may also not be rich.

  • ((acceptExpensiveAxe,haveAxe),(acceptExpensiveAxe,disgusted,haveAxe))

Similarily, if the woodman accepts the expensive axe, he may have an axe but he may also not have it.
