Madame Bovary - LL model

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The modelling focuses on part II, chapter VIII and IX. The abstract is:

After Léon leaves, Emma upbraids herself for not acknowledging her love for him and falls back into a deep depression, alleviated temporarily by extravagant spending sprees. One day, she meets Rodolphe Boulanger, a country squire, who comes to Charles for medical advice. He finds Emma quite attractive and so plans to seduce her, determining that "she's gaping for love like a carp on the kitchen table for water." They meet at the Agricultural Exposition, where Boulanger tries to convince her that men and women should give in to their desires. Weeks later, during a horseback ride in the woods, he seduces her.

The two enter into an affair, seeing and writing each other often. Their relationship fills Emma with a happiness she has never known. She often sneaks out in the early morning to Boulanger's bed. One morning as she returns home, she runs into Monsieur Binet and gives him a clumsy excuse for being there. Binet and others in the town begin to suspect that Emma is having an affair. Soon Boulanger's affections for her begin to wane.


LL is well suited to model actions of the story. We will consider actions that affect the characters states and actions that describe the narrative program.


Atoms model the states. We will focus on two characters (Emma and Rodolphe) and consider that Emma's state is given by two atoms: one for her general mood and one for her feelings towards Rodophe.

States for the narrative program:

  • D_c: conversation while Emma and Rodolphe go to the agricultural show
  • D_s: talking in the council room
  • T: weeks later
  • D_b: conversation at Bovary's home
  • P: horseback riding
  • D_r: conversation at Rodolphe's home

Rodolphe states:

  • R_v: Rodolphe wants to seduce Emma
  • R_a: Rodolphe in love with Emma
  • R_w: Rodolphe affections for Emma begin to wane

Emma general mood

  • E_d: Emma is depressed
  • E_h: Emma is happy
  • E_a: Emma is in love with Rodolphe

Emma's feeling towards Rodolphe:

  • E_r_R: Emma upbraids herself for not acknowledging her love for


  • E_s_R: Emma has been sedueced by Rodolphe
  • E_a_R: Emma is in love with Rodolphe


  1. Going to the agricultural show; A_1 : D_c \tprod R_v \tprod E_h \tprod E_s_R \limp R_v \tprod E_h \tprod E_s_R
  2. Listening discourse in the council room; A_2 : D_s \tprod R_v \tprod E_h \tprod E_s_R \limp R_a \tprod E_h \tprod E_s_R
  3. Let spend some times before the meet again; A_3 : T \tprod E_h \tprod E_s_R \tprod R_a \limp E_r_R \tprod E_d \tprod R_a
  4. Rodolphe visits Emma; A_4 : D_b \tprod R_a \tprod E_d \tprod E_r_R \limp R_a \tprod E_d \tprod E_r_R
  5. Horseback riding; A_5 : P \tprod E_d \tprod E_r_R \tprod R_a \limp E_a \tprod E_a_R \tprod R_a
  6. Emma visits Rodolphe; A_6 : D_r \tprod E_a \tprod E_a_R \tprod R_a \\limp R_w \tprod E_a \tprod E_a_R


D_c \tprod D_s \tprod T \tprod D_b \tprod P \tprod D_r \tprod R_v \tprod E_h \tprod E_s_R \tprod A_1 \tprod A_2 \tprod A_3 \tprod A_4 \tprod A_5 \tprod A_6 \drv R_w \tprod E_a_R \tprod E_a

Proof tree

See: [1]


The proof tree is very linear (as far as I know Madame Bovary has a linear history).

If I had to make it become interactive I would make the world description more complex (add characters and feeling descriptions) and would consider various narrative program (actually I for this model I only consider the narrative program of the book).