GOTSEC model

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Part of the Aesop's Fables project. In Construction.

Six types of nodes have been identified in the GOTSEC model: goals, obstacles, tasks, side effects, characters and character families or sets. These elements are connected by relations of various types: reaching (from task to goal), hindering (from obstacle to task), collateral (from task to side effect), inhibiting (from goal to obstacle), exciting (idem), needing (from side effect to goal), satisfy-ing/unsatisfying (from goal to character), belonging (from character to character fami-ly), failing (from task to obstacle), weak success (from obstacle to goal), degradation (from task to character).

The following tables specifies the nodes and relations in the model.


Node (short name) Visualisation Comments
goal (G) G.gif
task (T) T.gif
obstacle (O) O.gif
side-effect (E) SE.gif
character (C) Ch.gif
set (S) Fa.gif


Relation (short name) Source node (short name) Target node (short name) Weight Visualisation Comments
reaching (r) task (T) goal (G) +1 R.gif
hindering (h) obstacle (O) task (T) -1 H.gif

or H2.gif

colateral (c) task (T) side-effect (E) +1 C01.gif

or C2.gif

needing (n) side-effect (E) goal (G) -1 N.gif
inhibiting (i) goal (G) or side-effect (E) obstacle (O) -1 I.gif
exciting (x) goal (G) or side-effect (E) obstacle (O) +1 X.gif
satisfying (s) goal (G) character (C) +1 S.gif
unsatisfying (u) goal (G) character (C) +1 U.gif
belonging (b) character (C) family (F) +1 B.gif
failing (f) obstacle (O) goal (G) -1 F.gif
weak success (w) task (T) obstacle (O) +1 W.gif
degradation (d) task (T) or side-effect (E) character (C) +1 D.gif