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IRIS Wiki - Narrative Theories - Closure


Who are the main authors having developed this theory?

Histo-geographical placement

When and where did this theory appear?

Type of story

does the theory describe a specific type of story (i.e. fairytales) or can it be generalised? What is the set of stories described by the system?

Parent Theories

What existing theories were used as a starting point, inspiration, foundation?

Child Theories

What theories where inspired from this one?

Brief Description

cf Nicolas Szilas' contribution (comming soon). Kendall L. Walton: Closure as a break in the state of make believe. (Fearing Fictions)

Relation with Interactive Storytelling

IS systems using planning at the story level explicitly follow the idea of closure because they start with an ending state (goal state) and derive the sequence events from it.

However, in this approach, the user intervention is not taken into account in the ending itself. The user is "invited" to reach the story goal. Therefore, the ending may need to be defined dynamically (based on the user-induced “questions” (quests, goals, etc. depending of computational approaches).

Several goals

Open systems

In games, free mode...

Most systems: ending condition or ending fragment. Her story

Closure as having consumed all the content. Exemple: percentage of reading in a hypertext.

Which goals should be left open? User sufficiently exposed

Cf devices...

Systems/Tools using this theory

Planning systems explicitly follow the idea of closure because they start with an ending state (goal state) and derive the sequence events from it. For example...


Towards other sites that describe the theory
